
Showing posts from December, 2021

The "Official" Holiday Sparkling Wine Recommendations

Holiday Sparkler Recommendations Happy Holidays everyone! While sparkling wine, by all means, should be enjoyed on any old weeknight (I may or may not be drinking Champagne right now), it typically finds its way into our holiday festivities. Whether for Christmas dinner or for your New Year's Eve toast, I've decided to spit out 3 recommendations at 3 differing price points to try to provide some interesting bottles for your next celebration... or Monday night... Let me start with a disclaimer. These recommendations are of wines that I think/know you'll be able to find in chain retail stores. I would love if you tried some of these because they're great wines and it makes me happy to know people read this, but I would also highly encourage you to head to a local wine shop to pick up your bottles. Virginia wine importers/stores do a fantastic job of selecting really cool sparkling wines, especially small-production Champagnes. Don't be afraid to ask for help, and alwa...