
Showing posts from March, 2020

2018 Charles & Charles Rosé

2018 Charles & Charles Ros é Vintage:  2018 Region:  Columbia Valley, Washington Winemakers:  Charles Smith and Charles Bieler Varietal:  71% Syrah, 17% Cabernet Sauvignon, 5% Mourv édre, 4% Grenache, 2% Counoise, 1% Cinsault Price:  $10.99 at Wegmans Expert Rating:  90 My Rating:  91 Things to note : A collaboration between Washington winemaking legends Charles Smith and Charles Bieler consisting of Rhone varietals. The Review:  Hello all! Welcome back for another edition of Drew's (that's me in case you forgot) Wine List- Quarantine Edition. Today is gonna be a treat because we're doing our first rosé today! Ahhh rosé... such a misunderstood drink. But that's why we're here to change that! See, rosé doesn't have to be that horrifyingly sweet juice  (hey, if that's what you like then you do you)  that it's chalked up to be. It can be quite delicious, and sometimes even pretty complex.  For our first...

2017 Cantina Furlani Negrik Rosso Alpino

2017 Cantina Furlani Negrik Rosso Alpino  Vintage: 2017 Region: Trentino-Alto Adige, Italy Winemaker: Matteo Furlani & Danilo Marcucci Varietal:  Blend of native Dolomite grapes Price: $22.00 Expert Rating: Not rated My Rating: 90 Points Things to note: Unfiltered. Grapes from a biodynamic farm at around 700 m altitude. The Review: HAPPY QUARINTEENING! Hopefully all of you are staying indoors like you should be. Because of the movement of all of my classes to conference calls, I am at home with my parents and we've been living it up I must say. I've had some great opportunities while I've been back to try some really good wines (also some really bad ones, but those will never see the light of day because I'm scared to roast a wine in the instance that I have a career in this lol). I'm excited to share some of them with you all, just as I've been sharing some of my collection with my parents! Here we go! Today is a special day beca...

2018 Kiwi Gold Sauvignon Blanc

2018 Kiwi Gold Sauvignon Blanc Vintage:  2018 Region:  Marlborough, New Zealand Winery:  Kiwi Gold Varietal:  Sauvignon Blanc Price:  $9.99 at Wegmans Expert Rating:  90 My Rating:  92 The Review: Happy spring break if you're in college! If you're not in college, hope you've enjoyed your normal workweek. Sorry for a bit of a delay in posts, I've just gotten through arguably the hardest week of my academic career. But hey, we made it and now it's time to kick back and drink a lil' wine. Today's post is a really solid sauv blanc from the South Island of New Zealand, the motherland of sauv blanc. The cool nights, maritime climate, and minerally soils are the perfect recipe for crisp and refreshing cool-climate wines. This Kiwi Gold Sauvignon Blanc is no exception to that. It's kind of a "posterchild" for sauv blancs. To start out, it's SUPER aromatic on the nose and the fruit just jumps out of the glass. There's a lo...