2018 Charles & Charles Rosé
2018 Charles & Charles Ros é Vintage: 2018 Region: Columbia Valley, Washington Winemakers: Charles Smith and Charles Bieler Varietal: 71% Syrah, 17% Cabernet Sauvignon, 5% Mourv édre, 4% Grenache, 2% Counoise, 1% Cinsault Price: $10.99 at Wegmans Expert Rating: 90 My Rating: 91 Things to note : A collaboration between Washington winemaking legends Charles Smith and Charles Bieler consisting of Rhone varietals. The Review: Hello all! Welcome back for another edition of Drew's (that's me in case you forgot) Wine List- Quarantine Edition. Today is gonna be a treat because we're doing our first rosé today! Ahhh rosé... such a misunderstood drink. But that's why we're here to change that! See, rosé doesn't have to be that horrifyingly sweet juice (hey, if that's what you like then you do you) that it's chalked up to be. It can be quite delicious, and sometimes even pretty complex. For our first...